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Yoga is well recognised as a  powerful tool to help you manage your mental & physical wellbeing

at any time of life but is particularly supportive during mid life- where we are juggling hormone shifts, home, work and family life and we can sometimes feel overwhelmed and needing a little 'time-out' for ourselves

Whether you are looking for a strength building flow or some restorative slower paced Yin yoga - Yoga has been shown proven to be a very valuable tool to keep our minds and bodies in harmony. By working with the breath (pranayama) and using meditation techniques too alongside the physical practice ( asana), yoga can help us to build a stronger connection with ourselves.

The power of yoga

Yoga has been proven to help with building bone and muscle strength, emotional control, managing stress and anxiety, promoting a restful sleep, pain management, muscle relaxation, mindfulness and more. I offer Gentle Flow Yoga in a Vinyasa style with a lovely balance of flow and movement with built in restorative poses and relaxation. The flow of postures synchronised with the breath builds connection between the body and mind and supports strength and flexibility. Restorative poses help to work deeper into the posture and calm a busy mind. I work with essential oils and meditation in my classes too to support on an emotional level.

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Book a class

Group Yoga Classes

Due to limited places in the studio, you will need to book in advance here to guarantee a place or you can contact me to check availability.

Hatha Yoga Class

Monday 7 - 8pm . Everyone Active, Berkhamsted, HP4 3QQ

A gentle evening flow to prepare us for the week ahead focusing on movement that develops strength and flexibility including relaxation & essential oils ( all levels welcome)

Book directly with Everyone Active

Friday Flow Class

Friday 9.30-10.45am . Open Door, Berkhamsted, HP4 1HU

A lightly energising morning  Yoga Flow  ready to smooth us into the weekend  including relaxation,  essential oils and meditation ( all levels welcome)

1:1 Yoga

Maybe you don't feel ready for a class environment or struggle to get to a class at a convenient time? This is a 60 minute 1:1 practice in which we work together to decide what you need. This could be to relax and reset your mind, improve fitness, help support menopausal symptoms or to support an injury and recovery . These are held in my home garden room in Berkhamsted, Herts.

£50 per hour session

Book 6 lessons to be taken within a 6 month period for £275

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